Do it

199 Everything

Repeat after me:

I am NOT good at everything.

I will stop trying to be good at everything.

Or ‘implying’ I am good at everything.


I relax when I remember that.


I am weak when I try to control things.

I am stronger when I command them.

He pointed to his video expert and said “For the rest of the day he’s in charge”

Which automatically makes the person saying that, fully in charge.

(Even if they are not good at ‘everything’!)


I look at a simple paper clip and I realize I cannot make one.

In fact no one person can make anything these days.

Even the do-it-yourself artist buys supplies from others.


The next time you come up short in a situation ask yourself:

Am I trying to be, or imply that I am, good at that?


Repeat after me:

I am NOT good at everything.   And relax.



To reinforce this read any two below:

# 25 How Old Are You? –  36 Prime Time –  64 Natural Talents –  67 Personal Nag

74 Dictating Your Miracle –  83 Being Wrong –  98 Third Time –  99 Perfection!

118 Right! –  123 Ignorance –  125 A Clumsy Self Image –  146 Always Right

159 Make a Mistake –  160 Combination –  161 Are You Perfect?

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