Do it

25 How Old Are You?

How do you treat a young child who’s learning?
Do you act impatient, sneer, put down, deride, complain and so on?
Of course not!


In your head you are a bunch of different ages.


When it comes to the subject of CRYSTALLOGRAPHY I bet you are, at most, 12 years old.
You have no more information a 12 year old has on that subject.
If you consider your hobby, you’re much older than your physical age.
How long would it take to get that amount of information in normal, everyday living?
How ‘old’ would one likely have to be?


Ok, so?
Put these two statements together and ask yourself:
Just how do I treat a young child (myself!) who’s learning?
Because in anything new, unusual or different, I am as if I were a child.


Stop acting impatient, sneering, deriding, complaining and so on, with yourself!
You are, after all, exactly as a child, learning!


And, how do you treat a young child who’s learning?


You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!
It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles
to ‘side-step’ your filters, that gets you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2 below: If you Read only one

3 Cumulative Knowledge –  4 Common Courtesy –  11 Feedback

35 One + One = Two! –  36 Prime Time –  59 Hesitation

66 Opposites –  78 Process –  85 Babies –  90 Good/Bad

98 Third Time –   99 Perfection! –  100 Ransom Notes


  1. Wish I could go back to 12 again and start all over, only knowing that choices make a big difference in your life. But now to old to change the choices made.

  2. Talk to the child as if he/she were an adult but use patience and listen listen to what they say (or perhaps what they mean)

  3. To a child who is learning I give praise and encouragement for every attempt, not only for successes, and I try to remember to give more praise for more effort. It is hard to give myself praise just for effort, however, because I think that I only value success. But I notice that in my life and work I want acknowledgement from others for intention and effort, and feel misunderstood if I don’t receive it.

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