Do it

295 Out-of-The-Box

This 9 year old uses cardboard boxes and out-of-the-box thinking.
And gets out-of-the-box results!
He takes left over cardboard boxes from his father’s Used Car Parts store and makes them into Arcade Games.

The video is 10 minutes long. (Ouch! … up to 2 minutes is my ‘limit’)
By 3:30 you should be impressed at his use of ordinary calculators.
By 8 or 9 minutes you might well have a large smile /tear in your eye.
Oh, did I mention he made almost $200,000 (£155,000 /215,000 Euros)
In   a   couple   of   months.

Now will you watch the video?!

Annnd, if a 9 year old can…

These are related:
# 1 Ferris Wheel23 Become More Creative24 The Wedge32 Red Light, Green Light
50 Limits87 Barriers107 Iron143 Progression Part 2266 Results282 If It Is To Be…


  1. I watched to the end… and have a smile and tear in my eye.

  2. Such a sweet young man…power to the dream.

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