If you Smoke while you Pray
You are a despicable, insensitive, non-respectful person!
If you Pray while you Smoke
you are a fine, religious, upstanding person.
People can actually see which one you are.
You can.
So can they.
OK, so?
Ever wonder why sometimes you do yet sometimes you don’t achieve something you really want?
That’s why.
People are not all that anxious to help you Smoke while you Pray.
Their instincts guide them away from you.
This is a tricky one!
How to change yourself such that you get the help, advice, encouragement of those around you, is a process.
On the other hand, consider how long you’ve tried without changing your Smoke /Pray attitude.
It’s actually faster to spend time …changing yourself.
The Doodles below are specifically chosen to help you do this.
You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!
It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles
to side-step’ your filters, that gets you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2: If you Read only one: 86 Don’t be Yourself!
# 22 Attitude – 46 Always – 57 Helicopter – 96 Habits – 118 Right!
161 Are you Perfect? – 166 Inside Out – 198 Repetition – 199 Everything – 212 Attitude Part 2
237 Let Go! – 242 Gentleman – 267 Strangers & Ships – 270 Hamburgers – 274 Lawyers & Virgins
348 Volume Control – 353 Oil, Grease, etc. – 357 Recipes
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