Do it

480 Why Not!

Why not seize every opportunity to take pleasure?

When you pass by candies, why not pop one in your mouth?

Why not seize every single opportunity?


Maybe you believe you would use up that pleasure.

We meter our pleasure lest we run out.

“If I eat as much candy as I feel like, what will I do then to get pleasure?

Candy is one thing I get pleasure from. So let me pace myself.”

Ok, so?

In your past how many things were a pleasure that you did fulfill,

and therefore are no longer a pleasure with a capital ‘P’.

You now have other pleasures, right?

So why not fully enjoy your current pleasures, there are always more!


Too hedonistic? As compared to…?



If you Read only one more: # 20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge

6 Feed Yourself37 Or Its Equivalent302 Party Time

316 Limited Miracles326 Unhappy329 Seriously442 Candy Factory