Do it

500 ETI & What we Do Know

Many take advantage of the ‘unknown’ aspect of Aliens (ETI) to claim various sightings, abductions, contact, etc. Which ones — if any — are real?


Instead of thinking of ETI as unknown, let’s look at what we do know.


There was a concept in the 1970’s called Transactional Analysis / PAC.

This was popularized by the title ‘I’m OK, You’re OK’.

In that context most ‘supposed’ ETI communiqués involve I’m OK with the Aliens as the lead and You’re Not OK – with us as the players.


In Transactional Analysis “I’m OK but You’re Not” is a short term, untenable position that has lack of Self Confidence as its basis. Which implies ETI lacks Self-Confidence! The simplest equivalent is Parent / Child. Surely a Parent sees their Child as ‘Not OK’ when compared to the parent. (Heck, the Parent even spits more and further than the Child!) Yet the Parent would not dream of saying anything that even remotely insinuates this, and especially not in their first communiqué!


If I were an ‘adult’ ETI who wanted to enter into a two way communiqué with total strangers I would initially avoid any and all contentious issues and explore the sense of wonder and adventure that would automatically occur considering the unique situation. “I am looking forward to an exciting exchange with you.” type thing. “Who can tell just what we will discover as a result of a two-way interaction.”


Ok, so?

Now you know which messages are genuine.

Postponement of instant Gratification is one description of maturity. Time enough after initial contact is firmly established to introduce any other message that might be necessary or useful to them. Somewhat akin to basic Ambassadorial conduct Protocol.


It’s the subconscious cross-index of select Doodles,

which side-steps your filters.


All the Other Thought Doodles:


430 ETI, Consider the Math431 ETI, An Advanced People432 ETI & Perspective

445 ETI & Abundance