Do it

90 Good/Bad

It’s impossible to understand something without also automatically understanding its opposite.


Can you build stairs just going up? No.
By building stairs going up you’ve also built stairs going down.


It’s the same with your personality.
However when you were younger your peers illustrated only one way of seeing things.
And not the other.


Maybe it’s time to note some of the ‘other’ and see what you get.
Were you called Stubborn? Try Tenacious.

Nosy? Try Curious.
Cheap? Frugal.
Smart Ass? Clever.
Egghead? Intelligent.

What were you called? And the opposite is…



These are related:

14 Eliminating Triggers22 Attitude –  26 Discounting Self – 30 Ever-changing Relationships

37 Or Its Equivalent41 Elephants – 45 Problems52 Correct Decisions62 Context

66 Opposites69 Labels70 Conclusions –  71 Nice –  79 Truth Time – 80 No as Information

93 Heaven & Hell98 Third Time – 99 Perfection!100 Ransom Notes

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