Yesterday, a wealthy sheik welcomed the visiting dignitary to his extensive estate.
“Would you care to wash in hot water?” He asked.
“Oh, no need to go to that much trouble, cold water is fine.”
“It’s no trouble. I have slaves who do nothing but fetch wood and tend the fire. I have hot water available at all times.”
Truly the rumors are real, thought the dignitary, this is one of the richest men in the world!
Later on, as they ate foods from around the world, the wealthy sheik said he paid over thirty people to search the world for the fabled flying carpet.
Today, an ordinary person sits in an air-conditioned airplane complaining about its late departure, the food, and the poor choice in entertainment.
Tomorrow, is whenever we get one order of magnitude in lower energy costs.
Consider the absolute pervasiveness of energy, and its attending effect on virtually all prices.
A visit to a buffet.
You pay just one relatively low price and then choose as much as you want of whatever foods you wish and for as long as you desire.
With just one order of magnitude in lower energy costs, virtually all physical goods become similarly priced.
I propose ETI (Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) currently lives precisely this way.
And, unless you are going to die real soon, you will experience this too.
Associated Mental Doodles selected via Edward de Bono’s concept of lateral thinking:
50 Limits – 233 Input – 382 The Future
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