Do it

492 You Know

At birth, what did you know?

So how did you learn what you now know?

And how do you know that you ‘know’ what you know?


Possibly you really don’t know…


Ok, so?

Rather than continue to get the results you now do

in an area where you want to get something – achieve something – that you now don’t,

Approach that subject with this attitude:

I don’t know.

I Guess., I Believe, I Think.

But really, I don’t Know.


This opens you to alter your approach to what you are trying for

and results in a speedier success.

Trust yourself and see how comforting this is:

“I will tell you next year how well I did this year.”

This allows you to do /be /have different than current do /be /haves and, looking back, you will see how much more quickly you got what you want.


Unless You Know better.

Then continue to stay the way you are.



It’s the subconscious cross-index of select Doodles,

which side-steps your filters.


If you Read only one more: # 20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge


# 23 Become More Creative25 How Old Are You? – 37 Or Its Equivalent

70 Conclusions78 Process82 Limitations87 Barriers111 ABC’s of Life

177 I Know215 Knowing231 Statement257 Unknown378 Facts?