Ever hear of an airplane crash where they considered cannibalism to survive?
The first person to actually raise the subject did so in circumstances that warranted it.
No one ever raises that subject otherwise.
To raise any subject it has to be considered relevant.
It has to be something you or other people would consider.
You do not bring to mind any subject no matter how unusual (Cannibalism is, you must admit, ‘unusual’ under any circumstance!) unless there is a certain relevance to it.
Ok, so?
No matter how unusual, if it comes to mind then you are ready to consider it.
You just don’t bring something up even if only to deny it.
You simply don’t go through the process.
Otherwise you’d find yourself bringing up a million things every minute of every day.
To remember irrelevant things is the domain of the Sub-conscious, not Conscious.
So, if it comes up… Consider it! Consider it!
It’s the subconscious cross-index of select Doodles,
which side-steps your filters.
If you Read only one more: # 137 Easier Solutions
# 10 Progress It – 189 Twin – 208 Perfect Instructions – 245 Go Fishing – 404 “It”