People resist change because they're not all that sure that they'll like what they change to. Don't worry, once you change, the … [Read more...]
13 Changing Change
Make different decisions about the same stimulus. ie: When someone triggers you the ‘wrong' way, you no longer ‘Blow your top' (or … [Read more...]
14 Eliminating Triggers
Some memories are of experiences still painful to remember. A past embarrassment, a fear, a jealousy, being put down in public, … [Read more...]
20 The Gift of Knowledge
A 7 year old asked, "Lord, Lord, tell me my future." "You don't really want to know." came the reply. "Yes, I do. Tell me my … [Read more...]
22 Attitude
Obnoxious /annoying uncle Arthur invites himself to supper. How do you feel? Then you get a call from the Lottery people … [Read more...]
30 Ever-Changing Relationships
We are a relationship, ever-changing. Me and my body, ever-changing. My and my partner, ever-changing. Me and my parents, … [Read more...]
31 Being At-Cause
When you spill something you simply clean it up. You know you are at-cause of this. When someone feels bad over something you say, you … [Read more...]
36 Prime Time
Here is a guarantee of sadness and failure: try to ‘look young' your whole life. As if that were the only value you had/held. As if that … [Read more...]
43 Desire
I sit at the annual meeting. This time it’s Bongo drums. Each year they try a different thing. (Did I mention this time it’s Bongo … [Read more...]
54 Self
Normally you first THINK you are something. Anything. Then you act on that. Which then gives you some input that you are. You simply … [Read more...]
60 Patterns
When you look at someone or something, what exactly do you see? Or more to the point, what do you NOT see! In … [Read more...]
63 Free Will
A Genie appeared and said to Man, "I can give you anything you want. I have unlimited power. Let's start with your favorite meal. What do … [Read more...]
73 Killing Frogs
Do you know how to kill a frog? Most people think by placing a frog in boiling water you can kill it. But it just jumps out. The way to … [Read more...]
106 Plan B
You never succeed at Plan A. Never. Those who do succeed are the ones who have a Plan B. Nothing you’ve ever done has … [Read more...]
108 Emotions
My wife and I go to my best friend’s home for his surprise Birthday party. And we are fighting. We fight as only real married couples … [Read more...]
114 Darts
Don’t stand too close or you'll always place the darts in the bull’s-eye. And not too far away so you never hit the board. Stand just far … [Read more...]
135 Excuses
Everybody needs an excuse to change their mind. To change your mind without one is to somehow be wrong in the first place. And nobody … [Read more...]
142 Progression
Rocks. Go as far as they are kicked. All outer reaction, nothing internal. Plants. Turn towards the sun. Slow internal response to … [Read more...]
143 Progress
We typically act 'human' less than 1% of the time. It's rare to ignore the feedback of everyday life and take action regardless of that … [Read more...]
147 Interpretation Part 2
I didn't say he stole the money. What subject does the sentence above describe? (Play the game = get the … [Read more...]
170 Micro Steps
We do so many things without thinking, we forget to use that very ability in us. When you arrive at some stairs, you do not … [Read more...]
176 “1 – 2 – 3”
Wouldn't it be great if you could go ‘1 – 2 – 3’ snap your fingers, and instantly become what you want to be? Well, no … [Read more...]
193 Seeing Red
Look around and take note of everything that’s red. (Play the game = get the results!) Remember as many red things as possible. (Just do … [Read more...]
209 One Second or One Year
It makes no difference. None at all. If the light is out for one second or one year it makes no difference in the effort … [Read more...]
214 Stage 3
This one needs a lot of help to execute. Look at the related Doodles. They’ll help get you out of Stage … [Read more...]
218 Something
Saying "Stop that!" won't get a child to stop doing something. Because, then the child has nothing. And no one wants nothing. So, … [Read more...]
220 Digging Ditches
Do you mind digging ditches? "Not if the pay is good." Alright, then dig this ditch. It should take a few days. "OK, the … [Read more...]
232 Justify
Or learn. Those are the two things that can happen when something unwanted occurs. It's not my fault because... means I … [Read more...]
239 Spiral
Within 4 months of starting my new company I expanded overseas. Because life is a spiral and not a circle. A circle, you go … [Read more...]
247 Yesterday
"Oh, you are so very cruel saying things like that!" As she stormed away. That evening I told my wife the things she said that day. And … [Read more...]
255 Prepare, Defend
To properly defend yourself, you prepare for all contingencies. You do all you possibly can, ahead of time. . And then one of two … [Read more...]
296 The 3rd Option
Which is better: 1 Dependent or 2 Independent? How about 3 Inter-dependent You don't have to be 1 because you … [Read more...]
302 Party Time
How hard we work planning a Party! And really pay attention to every detail. Almost cold and calculated. Yet we have fun … [Read more...]
306 Parent-ing
Parents in China are all extremely well respected. And obeyed. After all, they know best. Years and years of experience, … [Read more...]
315 Fifteen Years
Imagine how you were... fifteen years ago. As compared to now. (Play the game = get the results) Things sure have changed … [Read more...]
319 Look Back
A great source of concern for many is "The Future" The great unknown. It could go any-way, do any-thing. Will I be safe? The answer … [Read more...]
332 Time
When you include Time in your calculations /judgments, things change. Example: I slept with 5 people /made a million, … [Read more...]
344 3 Weeks
At 16 I was invited to a corn roast. I hated corn. But the girl who invited me was wonderful. So I ate a little bit of corn each … [Read more...]
346 Crazy / Different
We all have something, someone or a situation we'd like to see changed. Crazy = when you repeat the same things over and over, … [Read more...]
348 Volume Control
Doing something you don't want to do? Can't stop? Then don't stop. Stop trying the on/off 'switch', it obviously doesn't … [Read more...]
357 Recipes
Do you always use the same 'recipe' no matter what you do? The fact this particular recipe works well in one situation does not make it work … [Read more...]
360 Category
Which movie to see? Which book to read next? These give variety. However they are simply variations of the same decision you made … [Read more...]
362 Physical
As You Think... So You Become is the rest. How many times have you heard this in your life? Ok, so? Well, I got it … [Read more...]
364 Seven Years
My 7th year doing Doodles! Here's 10 Random Thoughts. (Just to be different.) 1. You change at 7 year intervals. Think … [Read more...]
369 Sunset
Many laws still in force today were written over 100 years ago. (Automobiles must pull over if meeting a horse and cart on a road, etc.) … [Read more...]
370 Friend AND Foe
How to make a Friend a Foe and/or vice versa. Simple. 1. Choose something you really, really want to accomplish. Lose … [Read more...]
374 100 Years
Subtract your age from 100 years. (play the game!) That's how long you have left to live. The rate of medical discovery / improvements … [Read more...]
376 Nice People
1. You are a nice person. 2. You tend to respond to the mood & subject of the person at hand. 3. So do they. OK, so? Here you … [Read more...]
380 No Change
How to Change, Without Changing: 1. Worry about an Unsolvable-by-you situation. 2. Change your mind to stop worrying … [Read more...]
382 The Future
The future is: * Very clean * Silent, noiseless, faster operations * Frictionless * More and more personalized * Low/no cost … [Read more...]
390 Input Time
Once you were a very small person. A Baby. Possibly a cat wanted to 'play' with you. To you then, that was a large cat! That's when you … [Read more...]
394 Penguins
A Penguin is a stupid thing. I was in Antarctica looking at Penguins walking all in-a-row. Once, the first one tried to jump over a fairly … [Read more...]
396 Disappearing Act
If you win the Lottery, Yesterday disappears. If he/she finally says yes, Yesterday disappears. These are exterior … [Read more...]
417 Suddenly
How they build a building: First, a fence suddenly goes up around the old building. Then nothing seems to happen. Suddenly the old … [Read more...]
420 Complaints
Absolutely nothing is more useless than complaints, ...sometimes. Typical complaints: * The Weather * Traffic * City Noise/ … [Read more...]
421 3D …Thinking
To see things in 3D each eye must see a slightly different picture. In the real world your eyes are spaced apart so each eye has a different … [Read more...]
423 Meet the ‘New’ You
Think of yourself as you were, around 10 years old.What did you look like?Now think of yourself today.What do you look like ‘now’?Your body … [Read more...]
429 Chicken & Egg
Let's say the egg came first.What if you did absolutely nothing to help the egg.Would it still hatch?Of course not. OK, so?How many … [Read more...]
437 Push-ups, Right Now
You cannot win (or lose!) a race simply by doing Push-ups.Therefore you relax while doing them. (Stress is, well, ...stressful!) Ok, … [Read more...]
439 An Impossible Future
100 years ago, our current reality would be considered Impossible:To travel at these speeds, go these distances, communicate with these … [Read more...]
443 Read a Book
A most unusual thing you do in life is, ... read a book!Think about it. Once written, a book never changes. It’s essentially a series of … [Read more...]
445 ETI & Abundance
Yesterday, a wealthy sheik welcomed the visiting dignitary to his extensive estate.“Would you care to wash in hot water?” He asked.“Oh, no … [Read more...]
446 That’s Life!
Face it, you are living a good life.Yet was not taught to you that way. It was not meant to be this good, was it! When you compare what … [Read more...]
448 Eliminate Unwanted Emotion
Emotion is there to focus attention. The more negative the emotion, the narrower your focus. The happier the emotion is, the broader your … [Read more...]
458 Two Minutes
You smile as a reflex... after being happy, not before. You frown, after feeling frustrated. First you are anxious, then you tense … [Read more...]
459 Just One
Have trouble getting what you want? - Want to Exercise? - Write a book? - Slim down? While I was intending to write my … [Read more...]
461 Sum Total
People trigger each other with things that, when taken separately, are quite irrelevant. Each person ADDS what happens to their … [Read more...]
462 Sooner
If you are going to do it anyways, do it 'sooner'. Optimize the situation. Paint it now and enjoy it longer. Diet now and … [Read more...]
464 Scream & Yell
This one really, really works and is very simple. When you have something that you are mad about and the 'mad' just doesn't … [Read more...]
465 Opportunity
The next five years provide exceptional Opportunity. As automobiles become 'self-drive' there needs to be an extreme insurance … [Read more...]
467 Physically Speaking
Feel emotionally upset? Where is it on your Physical self? Throat, chest, stomach, ...? Take a moment, and let it breathe, let it … [Read more...]
470 Then It’s Real
We all understand how we 'should' program our self. So, why doesn't it always work? Because it's not real. That's NOT … [Read more...]
473 Count to 10
Doing your best, feeling your best is very simple. It starts with you being calm and relaxed. You can easily achieve this … [Read more...]
489 Deserve vs Desire
I know you are now getting what you Deserve... as a result of your actions, your decisions, your repeated efforts, your agenda, … [Read more...]
490 Allowance
You Allow things. You buy fattening foods so you can... exercise your self control? Otherwise why buy them in the first … [Read more...]
493 A Perfect Day
First, a Perfect day checklist. Do you normally: * Talk /yell /whisper /think to yourself out loud. (# 464) * Forget your … [Read more...]
495 Just a Second
At what point in time, what, ... S E C O N D do you decide things. You call me 'sir' because I am older than you, okay. But … [Read more...]
496 Invisible
Your everyday life fine tunes itself, invisibly. Price of gasoline (petrol) dips a bit? No problem, just have an extra coffee that … [Read more...]
498 Divergence
At birth you are the same as everyone else. As time goes by you start to add variables, by accident or by choice. At one point you … [Read more...]