A visitor /repairman came to fix my (elaborate!) Television. Because of missing parts and trouble with customs he ended up staying 3 … [Read more...]
76 Increasing Awareness
It's not polite to stare. Especially at people who feel deep emotion (sadness, hurt etc). Yet we form our understanding of others in great … [Read more...]
81 Second Impressions
Someone at a reception smiled a hello and shook my hand warmly. Later I saw him sneering at one of the waiters. And, later still, talking … [Read more...]
83 Being Wrong
As a consultant I deal with people. In one particular company we gather in their boardroom and start with a verbal report from each … [Read more...]
86 Don’t Be Yourself
There's nothing worse than a tough person, trying to be ‘tough' OR A nice person, trying to be ‘nice'. It's automatic that you are who … [Read more...]
116 Façade
The greater the façade you construct, the greater you obviously are. Take a good strong look at all your abilities as proven by the very … [Read more...]
118 Right!
Some people walk around with food stains on their clothes. They believe that to admit they spill anything, is a mistake. They believe to … [Read more...]
175 Self Worth
A friend of mine was overly attentive with people. One day he fainted in front of a group visiting him. He ended up in the hospital, … [Read more...]
184 Outside In
Things from the 'outside' (world) influence you. Outside In. Or are influenced by you. Inside Out. Obvious. So why say … [Read more...]
198 Repetition
When you respond the exact same way to every situation then you are not responding to events, you are establishing sameness. ie: … [Read more...]
204 Apologize /Forgive
They are the same thing. To not Apologize /Forgive someone is to indicate you have a reason not to. My friend never forgave her … [Read more...]
232 Justify
Or learn. Those are the two things that can happen when something unwanted occurs. It's not my fault because... means I … [Read more...]
235 Ball Bearings
You know what they are. They are the tiny things that make the machinery work. Without keeping them oiled things screech to a … [Read more...]
240 Irreplaceable
I'm always looking for someone to promote so I can be free to expand. I call one person and ask her how she is doing. “Excellent. I'm … [Read more...]
265 Before
Danny was my secretary. He would type my letters (1970's!). And he'd make a mistake on almost every one. "Danny, do you … [Read more...]
267 Strangers & Ships
I am not as comfortable with you as I'd like to be. Oh, why is that? Well, you sort of act like a stranger to /with me. Hmmm, how … [Read more...]
271 Pedestals
The more you consider someone a Hero the higher the pedestal you place them on. The higher the pedestal, the less room they have to … [Read more...]
292 Denying
Red scarves don’t bother me. OK. If you say so. But why don’t you say Red scarves don’t AMUSE me. Well, because they … [Read more...]
307 Sniper
This is just a guess: you are not a Sniper. So you don't take infinite pains / time to aim and adjust and re-aim and re-adjust … [Read more...]
310 Flexibility
If I am not flexible then I must restrict you to what I can respond to. I do this by: Finishing your sentences for you (but … [Read more...]
333 Me Message
All too often I forget people have their own ideas, their own life, their own ... everything. That's when Me Messages come into … [Read more...]
338 Me First
If I put myself down before you do, you won't /can't put me down. I point out my flaws before you do, so I am 'safe'. I deride myself … [Read more...]
354 Results
When you run a Sprint you better not make any mistakes. Even one tenth of a second off and you might well lose. Many believe life is a … [Read more...]
357 Recipes
Do you always use the same 'recipe' no matter what you do? The fact this particular recipe works well in one situation does not make it work … [Read more...]
364 Seven Years
My 7th year doing Doodles! Here's 10 Random Thoughts. (Just to be different.) 1. You change at 7 year intervals. Think … [Read more...]
365 Kitchen Table
I learned more around our kitchen table than probably anywhere else. I memorized more data in "school" of course. But it's … [Read more...]
391 Smoke & Pray
If you Smoke while you Pray You are a despicable, insensitive, non-respectful person! However If you Pray while you Smoke you are a … [Read more...]
423 Meet the ‘New’ You
Think of yourself as you were, around 10 years old.What did you look like?Now think of yourself today.What do you look like ‘now’?Your body … [Read more...]
440 Reverse Sense
Would you say to a three year old: Please play with the stove. And while you are at it, stick your fingers in the electric socket. … [Read more...]
463 Mirror, Mirror…
The whole saying is: Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, Who is the fairest of them all? OK, so? This is a 30 second exercise … [Read more...]
475 Advertising Works
Advertising works on you through repetition. And you say 'Yes, of course it does.' without realizing just how effectively and subtly it … [Read more...]
492 You Know
At birth, what did you know? So how did you learn what you now know? And how do you know that you 'know' what you … [Read more...]