Everything you do is as a result of Decision. If you don't decide, someone else will. Decision implies options. The longer you … [Read more...]
8 Problem Solving
You can't solve something that doesn't exist. You can: Sweat it Worry about it Deny it Be proud of it, etc. But … [Read more...]
12 Change
People resist change because they're not all that sure that they'll like what they change to. Don't worry, once you change, the … [Read more...]
15 K.I.S.S.
Ask politely and directly for what you want. Take a chance on getting slapped, you might get kissed! People are mostly the … [Read more...]
17 Impossible Decisions
Twins fall off a raft in the middle of a lake, one on each side. The mother is still on the raft. Neither twin can swim. She can only save … [Read more...]
40 So What!
Many years ago my secretary, Monique, attended my training course. When we came to ‘Parental Programming' she said: "My mother used to … [Read more...]
52 Correct Decisions
Ever had a problem making a decision because you just don't know if it's the ‘right' one? This simple method has served me well over the … [Read more...]
59 Hesitation
There's only one way to be absolutely sure what's being said is correct for you. Look at your own life and use your own memories, based on … [Read more...]
89 Initiating
When you shake someone's hand, just who is shaking whose hand? And the simple answer is: you both are. Yet the person who initiates has the … [Read more...]
95 Ring/Knock
When do you answer the telephone? Only after /when it rings, and more than once. If it rings only once you don't answer. When … [Read more...]
152 Just Do It
I wonder why I ever went out with him /her! What a total waste of time. I can't believe I did that. I wonder what I ever saw in that … [Read more...]
155 Do Not Disturb
Wilma came to my Self-Improvement class in a wheelchair. After two days she left the chair and walked around by herself! Oh, she was … [Read more...]
156 Hold it!
“Sorry, I guess I overreacted.” (Familiar words?) Of course you did. You held it in, and held it in, and held... etc. Why? Because … [Read more...]
159 Make a Mistake
These people Make Mistakes: Loans officers who never have a bad loan are so very conservative that they exceed the built-in allowances … [Read more...]
163 When I Grow Up
When I grow up I want to be a ... doctor, lawyer, fireman, etc. Now that you are this, you can look back and realize that … [Read more...]
194 F. E. A. R.
False Evidence Appearing Real How many times have your fears actually happened? Not come close, or almost, but actually! I'm willing to bet: … [Read more...]
196 Past, Present & Future
I write this 'now' (Saturday May 22, 2010) and you read it 'now'... not Saturday May 22 I am your past and you are my … [Read more...]
197 Obstacles, Your Key to Success
Coke and Pepsi are where they are because of each other. Not in spite of. Many years ago I started a 'Psychic' Fair. It … [Read more...]
226 Assertiveness
Taxi drivers in New York City are a realistic bunch. To drive in one of the busiest cities in the world, you do what works. And what … [Read more...]
228 Automatic
Everyone is equipped with an automatic transmission. Many gears, 'automatically' changing to accommodate your desire for speed. You … [Read more...]
230 Total
"Oh, I can't approach him, he just got a raise." Everyone ADDS each event to all previous events and bases their response on … [Read more...]
239 Spiral
Within 4 months of starting my new company I expanded overseas. Because life is a spiral and not a circle. A circle, you go … [Read more...]
259 Don’t Stop
You don't know where to go or what to do next. So you stop and try to figure it out. Yet from where you are now you can't … [Read more...]
262 Water Pump
Water waits to be pumped up for our use. It is not mean, nor does it have anything against you. The water responds exactly to … [Read more...]
269 Circle
This one needs a lot of help to execute. Look at the related Doodles. ---------------------------------------------- A picture is worth a … [Read more...]
282 If It Is To Be…
The first time you set out to write a book /exercise /learn something you get no encouragement other than traditional family and … [Read more...]
293 Life
Not me, I'm not taking a chance. If I don't participate, I can't lose ... (or win!) If I don't ask, no one can say no … [Read more...]
311 Telling Lies
Yes, of course I lie. So do you. In fact, I bet everyone lies in every country. "Am I fat?" "Am I … [Read more...]
312 Six Years
I started these Doodles exactly 6 years ago. One by one. Now I have enough to fill a 300+ page book. However, my book … [Read more...]
315 Fifteen Years
Imagine how you were... fifteen years ago. As compared to now. (Play the game = get the results) Things sure have changed … [Read more...]
316 Limited Miracles
We tend to limit our miracles. Look at this (real!) miracle: Last weekend we drove to a resort area north of our city. We … [Read more...]
322 Prayer
Prayer usually means negotiating /trading something God ‘wants’ that you would not otherwise give Him, for something you want He would not … [Read more...]
332 Time
When you include Time in your calculations /judgments, things change. Example: I slept with 5 people /made a million, … [Read more...]
341 Possible vs Probable
Almost everything is Possible Very, very, very few things are Probable. Ok, so? Well, before you: worry, fear, … [Read more...]
352 Expectations (Part 2)
People just out of a bad relationship look carefully at each new date for signs of what happened with them. That makes no one Of xtreme a … [Read more...]
379 No Regrets
Ever do anything you then regretted? So, why did you do it? Because you did not know you would regret it. Because you did not have … [Read more...]
404 “It”
When you identify some thing /idea someone says, as being 'it' ...how do you know that? Yet, down deep, you know 'it' is the right thing / … [Read more...]
434 Advice
Give me a really good haircut this time.Sure, why? What's happening?I'm going to Rome to meet the pope.How are you going?By boat.Hmmm, the … [Read more...]
437 Push-ups, Right Now
You cannot win (or lose!) a race simply by doing Push-ups.Therefore you relax while doing them. (Stress is, well, ...stressful!) Ok, … [Read more...]
442 Candy Factory
Life is a Candy Factory, if you would only allow it.What do they do when you first start to work in a candy factory.Why, encourage you to … [Read more...]
452 Pamper Yourself
When was the last time you pampered yourself? And what did you do?Do you pamper yourself because it feels good or because there is a reason … [Read more...]
460 Volume Works
One half of the Ceramics class was asked to make a 'perfect' vase, the other half's goal was to make as many as possible, in the same … [Read more...]
461 Sum Total
People trigger each other with things that, when taken separately, are quite irrelevant. Each person ADDS what happens to their … [Read more...]
462 Sooner
If you are going to do it anyways, do it 'sooner'. Optimize the situation. Paint it now and enjoy it longer. Diet now and … [Read more...]
469 Right & Wrong
How tremendously 'old fashion' to think that there is still such a thing as a Mistake. Oh, sure, we get things wrong once in a … [Read more...]
480 Why Not!
Why not seize every opportunity to take pleasure? When you pass by candies, why not pop one in your mouth? Why not seize every single … [Read more...]
481 Plenty
Part One I have a refrigerator, so do you. Mine lasts over 10 years, so does yours. Hmmm, everyone has a refrigerator and they all … [Read more...]
491 Always Yes/No
I'm planning my new house. I start with absolutely everything I could possibly imagine in it. (Why not!) I quickly eliminate anything … [Read more...]
495 Just a Second
At what point in time, what, ... S E C O N D do you decide things. You call me 'sir' because I am older than you, okay. But … [Read more...]
499 Consider Cannibals
Ever hear of an airplane crash where they considered cannibalism to survive? The first person to actually raise the subject did so in … [Read more...]