When things go ‘right' I say I'm LUCKY. That, though, keeps me ‘here' with LUCKY over ‘there' One day someone asked me just how often … [Read more...]
19 Expectations
Just read this from a respected coach & wonder what you think? "Although high expectations do occasionally lead to high performance, as … [Read more...]
20 The Gift of Knowledge
A 7 year old asked, "Lord, Lord, tell me my future." "You don't really want to know." came the reply. "Yes, I do. Tell me my … [Read more...]
21 Interpretation
My best friend and I started many crazy businesses when we were teenagers. However, when ordering a lot of Italian ice cream, make sure you … [Read more...]
35 One + One = Two!
A famous celebrity is in her favorite restaurant and the Maitre D' gives her a note. Her friends say, "Wow, it must be important, we know … [Read more...]
36 Prime Time
Here is a guarantee of sadness and failure: try to ‘look young' your whole life. As if that were the only value you had/held. As if that … [Read more...]
41 Elephants
Picture an elephant pulling to the left. And another, pulling to the right. Nothing moves. Now imagine 500 elephants on each side. Same … [Read more...]
51 Hindsight
Everyone wants more foresight or premonition. (To know what is coming and so be prepared for it.) Even those who have more are not always … [Read more...]
55 Oxygen
Airplanes are long tubes full of people. They look very carefully what to do in an emergency. And here's what they say: "In case of … [Read more...]
61 Styles
Different people have different styles of behavior. We constantly are annoyed at how they are and /or how they approach things. Here are … [Read more...]
62 Context
A) She walked into the room completely at ease, and completely naked. B) Either she's alone, or at home, or at a Nudist Camp, (or 3 years … [Read more...]
64 Natural Talents
Natural Talent is automatic and invisible. "Honey, where are my keys?" He says, knowing she automatically knows where they are. And she … [Read more...]
66 Opposites
It's literally impossible to build a staircase that goes only up. Or only down. It is impossible to construct a street that goes only one … [Read more...]
75 Same
She slapped me. Then she yelled at me. Then she stomped her feet and tried to step on mine. What to do? Well, first … [Read more...]
76 Increasing Awareness
It's not polite to stare. Especially at people who feel deep emotion (sadness, hurt etc). Yet we form our understanding of others in great … [Read more...]
78 Process
To make Jello (Jelly) you start with some powder which is too dry compared to Jello. Then you take water, which is too, well, … [Read more...]
79 Truth Time
Everything is true. For a time. Right now as I write this, it's night time. And that's true ... for a few more hours. Then … [Read more...]
84 The Communication Process
Fights at home? No progress at work? Things just not going right for you? Unless really desperate, we ignore communications that can … [Read more...]
85 Babies
What good's a baby? It doesn't talk. It doesn't walk. It can't even feed itself. Well, of course, it's the potential. The … [Read more...]
90 Good/Bad
It's impossible to understand something without also automatically understanding its opposite. Can you build stairs just going … [Read more...]
92 Strength
What's ‘stronger' than a perfectly built fortress that needs 500 people to defend it. One that requires only 100 people to effectively … [Read more...]
93 Heaven & Hell
Eternity is a long time. A bird lands on a granite mountain once every thousand years. By the time it's worn down, it's the first second … [Read more...]
97 Variety
Many of us take vitamins and mineral supplements everyday. We also shop at favorite repetitive places. And they, in turn, buy their … [Read more...]
103 Ring/Knock (part 2)
Everything is automatically recorded in your brain /mind. Everything! Think of a time when you fell or hurt yourself. (Play the game = … [Read more...]
109 Understanding
We tend to divide things into two: - Good/Bad - Right/Wrong - Day/Night - Yes/No And that’s a trap. (Black & White … [Read more...]
111 ABC’s of Life
First we record input /information. We then compare what's recorded and draw conclusions. Red is, Green is, Red is not Green, Green is not … [Read more...]
115 Give, Get
What goes around, comes around. What you sow, so shall you reap. All of these are true. There’s only one thing: No one ever told you … [Read more...]
120 Give & Take
Many years ago when I smoked, a friend offered me a Cuban cigar (Legal in Canada!). He only had two left. If I took one - and he did - … [Read more...]
124 One Person
A man swallows three ping pong balls, each a different color. He 'recalls' whatever color you ask for! How does his stomach know which … [Read more...]
132 Taking it Personally
To take it personally you have to be a Magician. Because you have to make that person disappear. AND you have to make yourself disappear … [Read more...]
139 Tuesdays
I've been married for 45 years. It has not always been smooth (!) We often got into fights that fit the saying: "Divorce? Never! But … [Read more...]
147 Interpretation Part 2
I didn't say he stole the money. What subject does the sentence above describe? (Play the game = get the … [Read more...]
165 Cause & Effects
Picture this: You are in an expensive car headed towards a cliff. Your family is in the car with you. You have priceless documents in the … [Read more...]
173 I’m Tired
Unless you are sick or very old indeed, you always ‘talk’ and ‘move’ from morning to bedtime. Your body is always moving and you are … [Read more...]
180 Reverse It
You rarely physically touch any other human being. Maybe a hand shake. So just how do you go about influencing each … [Read more...]
182 Grey
My brother would stay at my place when he came to oversee my business. On the hour drive we would freely speak with no chance of being … [Read more...]
189 Twin
Consultants are effective. They come into a company, look around, then give advice that works. We don't take that advice because we … [Read more...]
190 Big Deal?
We went to a restaurant to celebrate someone (finally!) buying a new car. Nearly $200. For lunch. No big deal. When we … [Read more...]
192 Flow Tubes
Picture a bunch of tubes in the air, similar to telephone lines going from pole to pole. Lots and lots and lots of them in the air … [Read more...]
195 Four Stages
We all go through these steps and in this order: 1. Un-conscious In-competence You don’t know that there is something to which you … [Read more...]
207 Begin, Middle, End
Some people are good at starting things, projects, proposals. Saying yes. Some at doing the middle stuff that makes it run. Continues … [Read more...]
212 Attitude Part 2
At one time you thought about how to handle a knife and fork, comb your hair, give a talk, dance. At one point in your life you did, … [Read more...]
214 Stage 3
This one needs a lot of help to execute. Look at the related Doodles. They’ll help get you out of Stage … [Read more...]
215 Knowing
Count the number of 'F's in this simple sentence: Finished files are the result of years of scientific research. (Play the … [Read more...]
217 Luxury /Waste
People want Luxury in their lives, but not waste. And there's your problem. "13 Bathrooms?? What a … [Read more...]
229 Security
There are two types of Security. Internal and External. Internal Security exists when you believe you can 'create' … [Read more...]
230 Total
"Oh, I can't approach him, he just got a raise." Everyone ADDS each event to all previous events and bases their response on … [Read more...]
243 The 98%
In a very nice hotel while on African safari, there was a sign on my dresser top that said 'Thou Shall Not Tempt.' And I … [Read more...]
246 Environment
You create your environment. By choosing which restaurant or by staying in one you didn't choose. Not long, and you are influenced … [Read more...]
287 One
Caution: this one requires your active /mental participation! Imagine you have: * A Paper Computer that can solve only ONE … [Read more...]
296 The 3rd Option
Which is better: 1 Dependent or 2 Independent? How about 3 Inter-dependent You don't have to be 1 because you … [Read more...]
297 Circles & Spirals
You might think you are going around in circles. Which proves you're in a spiral. If you really were in a circle you would not … [Read more...]
308 Red
You are being completely ignored in the very things that are important to you. And I can prove it! Imagine a … [Read more...]
311 Telling Lies
Yes, of course I lie. So do you. In fact, I bet everyone lies in every country. "Am I fat?" "Am I … [Read more...]
319 Look Back
A great source of concern for many is "The Future" The great unknown. It could go any-way, do any-thing. Will I be safe? The answer … [Read more...]
325 More Questions
Questions are often more powerful - cause more effect - than statements because they get you to participate. For provide the … [Read more...]
331 Most Referred To
These are rated the widest /broadest impact on... YOU Most of you joined this group after these were written. Take time … [Read more...]
339 Three Voices
Here is a technique I find very useful for me. I created three 'voices' in my head: Voice 1 always tries to agree with me Voice 2 … [Read more...]
343 One-Way Street
There are no one-way streets. There can't be. Any more than stairs that only go up. Or Uphill without Downhill. / Ok, … [Read more...]
345 Life is…
One of my largest changes happened when I decided that Life is somehow designed to be a series of Lessons. Others already know … [Read more...]
350 Ready, Aim, Fire
Well, that's the ideal. Actually people are more often one of these: Ready, Fire, Aim Wants: Applause & Excitement … [Read more...]
351 Breathing
You breathe on one side of your nose 'more' than the other for about 4 hours. Then you switch sides. (Richard Kayser... 1895!) That's … [Read more...]
360 Category
Which movie to see? Which book to read next? These give variety. However they are simply variations of the same decision you made … [Read more...]
363 Ages of Experience
Is that guy ever an idiot! How does one find good help? I wonder why they don't fire him /her. Ignore your first 20 years … [Read more...]
364 Seven Years
My 7th year doing Doodles! Here's 10 Random Thoughts. (Just to be different.) 1. You change at 7 year intervals. Think … [Read more...]
374 100 Years
Subtract your age from 100 years. (play the game!) That's how long you have left to live. The rate of medical discovery / improvements … [Read more...]
378 Facts?
Facts are NOT permanent. Medical: They themselves say their Facts become 50% 'wrong' in 10 - 20 yrs. Almost everything … [Read more...]
379 No Regrets
Ever do anything you then regretted? So, why did you do it? Because you did not know you would regret it. Because you did not have … [Read more...]
383 It’s About Time
Being right at the wrong Time is the same as being wrong. Take the Time (!) to become more aware of this often overlooked … [Read more...]
386 Guilt Cycle(s)
Guilt: Going against your own idea of what is 'correct'. (see # 53) We usually 'punish' ourselves to relieve the burden of this … [Read more...]
389 Move the Triangle
Look at the diagram. Note: Stimulus is always the same. However Response depends 100% on where the Triangle is. The more 'left' the … [Read more...]
393 Endless
A child observes their parents are warm and loving, after an argument. And learns to create an argument, ...to get love and … [Read more...]
397 Nothing to Nothing
You enter the Theater and go up to the balcony. It's dark. No one is there. Soon a watchman enters and turns on some lights. Then … [Read more...]
401 Silent Partner
Marriage occurs once or twice, in a lifetime. And, if you really think about it, you met him/her just like you meet everyone. Your … [Read more...]
402 Sloppy
Steve needed $550. by 11am. And he'd pay me back in three days. He knew precisely how much he needed, when and for exactly how … [Read more...]
408 You don’t say!
* Don’t judge yourself by your past. You don’t live there anymore.... right? # 14 Eliminating Triggers … [Read more...]
416 Eight Years
My 8th year doing Doodles! Here's 8 Random Thoughts. 1. My personal favorite Doodle is still 37 Or Its … [Read more...]
421 3D …Thinking
To see things in 3D each eye must see a slightly different picture. In the real world your eyes are spaced apart so each eye has a different … [Read more...]
424 Percentages
This one is simple.Yes = 100%No = 0% NOTHING is ever 100% or 0%You would even kill someone (typically a no = 100%)if you knew you would … [Read more...]
427 How to Win
Pick a number between 1 and 10...9Isn't it interesting people tend to answer only in proscribed parameters. Knowing that, now pick a number … [Read more...]
430 ETI, Consider the Math
“The Universe is far bigger than the biggest ‘biggest’ you can imagine.” Latest estimate: 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 … [Read more...]
431 ETI, An Advanced People
“There! Did you notice a glint of light coming from your left? “It’s just like the others said. “I’ll bet it’s aliens.” says the MBUTIS. (a … [Read more...]
432 ETI & Perspective
Little do we realize how much our Society is based on silent understandings and implications.This ‘test’ illustrates how much ETI needs to … [Read more...]
433 Labels #2
Just saw a movie called EXODUS.In the movie Moses and "God" work together to 'force' the Egyptian King to release the Hebrew people from … [Read more...]
439 An Impossible Future
100 years ago, our current reality would be considered Impossible:To travel at these speeds, go these distances, communicate with these … [Read more...]
443 Read a Book
A most unusual thing you do in life is, ... read a book!Think about it. Once written, a book never changes. It’s essentially a series of … [Read more...]
444 Another View
I probably learn more through Another View than by any other way.Seeing from different points-of-view is an extremely enlightening … [Read more...]
445 ETI & Abundance
Yesterday, a wealthy sheik welcomed the visiting dignitary to his extensive estate.“Would you care to wash in hot water?” He asked.“Oh, no … [Read more...]
449 Little Green Men, Today
The latest round of UFO sightings started around the mid 1940’s or so. Co-incidental to when we started to have reason to ‘look up’ and … [Read more...]
453 An Apple a Day…
How about a few words a day?Would they make any physical difference...on an apple? (or on you?) The Action: Place each half of an … [Read more...]
466 What I Mean Is…
When computers first became popular, while we learned how to program them, the saying was: Please give me what I want and not what I ask … [Read more...]
469 Right & Wrong
How tremendously 'old fashion' to think that there is still such a thing as a Mistake. Oh, sure, we get things wrong once in a … [Read more...]
474 It’s all Relative
Ever wonder what it's be like to be rich? Simple: First round out your yearly income. (ie: $48,568 becomes $50,000 etc.) Next … [Read more...]
475 Advertising Works
Advertising works on you through repetition. And you say 'Yes, of course it does.' without realizing just how effectively and subtly it … [Read more...]
482 Projectors
My wife and I rarely agree on anything. (Even after 48 years!) When we agree on something it's usually because it can withstand our … [Read more...]
495 Just a Second
At what point in time, what, ... S E C O N D do you decide things. You call me 'sir' because I am older than you, okay. But … [Read more...]
498 Divergence
At birth you are the same as everyone else. As time goes by you start to add variables, by accident or by choice. At one point you … [Read more...]