Imagine life is a Ferris Wheel. However, you get ‘paid’ only after it goes around. Whatever you load … [Read more...]
10 Progress It
I once hired a person with a good reputation as a really effective 'trainer'. She basically had one message: Do not stop at whatever is … [Read more...]
29 Who’s In Charge?
"I sit paying the bills and there's never quite enough money at end of month. Thinking 'I want more' is different to feeling you have … [Read more...]
42 Leadership
I decide to paint my garage door pink. Yes, pink. After thinking about it for a (very short!) time I decide not to. An … [Read more...]
55 Oxygen
Airplanes are long tubes full of people. They look very carefully what to do in an emergency. And here's what they say: "In case of … [Read more...]
77 Nine Cows
Two University students became friends. After graduation one invites the other to visit his island. Upon arriving it turns out he is … [Read more...]
92 Strength
What's ‘stronger' than a perfectly built fortress that needs 500 people to defend it. One that requires only 100 people to effectively … [Read more...]
95 Ring/Knock
When do you answer the telephone? Only after /when it rings, and more than once. If it rings only once you don't answer. When … [Read more...]
99 Perfection!
You don't want to be perfect. I knew a lady who did not speak English 'properly'. She would say "Hi, youse guys" when greeting … [Read more...]
106 Plan B
You never succeed at Plan A. Never. Those who do succeed are the ones who have a Plan B. Nothing you’ve ever done has … [Read more...]
121 Carrot & Stick
No good trainer ‘trains’ using a stick. Not one. Behavior that’s rewarded is repeated. So how do you train yourself? Do you chastise … [Read more...]
146 Always Right
Do you know anyone who’s always 100% Perfect, 100% Right, 100% Knowledgeable? Anyone? I didn’t think so. Do you like people who pretend they … [Read more...]
151 Revenge
Often we harbor Resentment for something someone did to us. Or didn't do! A sleight in front of others, no credit when credit was due, etc. … [Read more...]
155 Do Not Disturb
Wilma came to my Self-Improvement class in a wheelchair. After two days she left the chair and walked around by herself! Oh, she was … [Read more...]
158 Anarchy
What if no one is in charge? That's what happens when you destroy an idea someone has without putting forth an idea to take its … [Read more...]
159 Make a Mistake
These people Make Mistakes: Loans officers who never have a bad loan are so very conservative that they exceed the built-in allowances … [Read more...]
160 Combination
The secret is almost always to find the right combination. To succeed you need the right combination of People, Product, … [Read more...]
169 Scaffold
Think of your role in everything you do, every interaction you have, every person you meet, with every family member, as being only one … [Read more...]
184 Outside In
Things from the 'outside' (world) influence you. Outside In. Or are influenced by you. Inside Out. Obvious. So why say … [Read more...]
187 99% or 1%
It always has to add up to 100% The very first satellite was a simple radio transmitter sending "Beep, Beep" (1%) It took many huge radio … [Read more...]
188 Better Business
The lady who ran my business in England worked very hard. She 'opened' that country and, within a couple of years, did literally millions … [Read more...]
213 Rockets
My head of country for Australia was very good. She would treat the Sales people very well. However she was missing one … [Read more...]
214 Stage 3
This one needs a lot of help to execute. Look at the related Doodles. They’ll help get you out of Stage … [Read more...]
233 Input
Yesterday School, Library, elders = limited! Today Internet, FB, etc. = … [Read more...]
238 First
I walk into my office pre-occupied with a problem. I shut the door so no one disturbs me. Within two hours my problem is … [Read more...]
242 Gentleman
A gentleman and his nephew walk on the wooden sidewalk on their way to worship. A lady comes along wearing her finest dress. The man … [Read more...]
254 Manipulation
To see if you're manipulated in anything, just look for the opposite of what is commonly believed. If you cannot easily see the opposite, … [Read more...]
259 Don’t Stop
You don't know where to go or what to do next. So you stop and try to figure it out. Yet from where you are now you can't … [Read more...]
263 Giving Credit
If you give credit when people do something that merits credit, they stay with you. Not think they are better and leave … [Read more...]
268 51/49
This ratio is a key to success. Yet so very few follow it. The two main aspects of business /marriage /leadership etc. are Relationships … [Read more...]
282 If It Is To Be…
The first time you set out to write a book /exercise /learn something you get no encouragement other than traditional family and … [Read more...]
307 Sniper
This is just a guess: you are not a Sniper. So you don't take infinite pains / time to aim and adjust and re-aim and re-adjust … [Read more...]
309 Response
My wife woke up one morning feeling 'down'. I asked her if there was anything I could do to help. She said “No” I asked her if it … [Read more...]
332 Time
When you include Time in your calculations /judgments, things change. Example: I slept with 5 people /made a million, … [Read more...]
334 Water in Car
I came home to see my (young!) sons washing my wife's car. With the windows down. Yep, LOTS of water in the … [Read more...]
340 Pushups
Physical Pushups 'prepare' you for sports /physical activity. Mental Pushups prepare you for Situations. Mental = Solving … [Read more...]
350 Ready, Aim, Fire
Well, that's the ideal. Actually people are more often one of these: Ready, Fire, Aim Wants: Applause & Excitement … [Read more...]
353 Oil, Grease, etc.
We all understand the idea of bribery. It helps smooth the way, Grease the wheels, Oil the machinery, etc. Ok so? Well, … [Read more...]
363 Ages of Experience
Is that guy ever an idiot! How does one find good help? I wonder why they don't fire him /her. Ignore your first 20 years … [Read more...]
391 Smoke & Pray
If you Smoke while you Pray You are a despicable, insensitive, non-respectful person! However If you Pray while you Smoke you are a … [Read more...]
414 Masters & Gurus
A Master is not a Hero. A hero is a one shot deal /action A Master is forever that way in all things. Is a Master someone who … [Read more...]
427 How to Win
Pick a number between 1 and 10...9Isn't it interesting people tend to answer only in proscribed parameters. Knowing that, now pick a number … [Read more...]
433 Labels #2
Just saw a movie called EXODUS.In the movie Moses and "God" work together to 'force' the Egyptian King to release the Hebrew people from … [Read more...]
454 Soft Edges
At prime time the 'free' computer game I play requires money to play without delay.However, it only asks for money a few minutes after the … [Read more...]
455 Magic List
It's nice to know that you ( yes, YOU!) can instantly create a "Magic" List to get things done without having to do anything other than make … [Read more...]
458 Two Minutes
You smile as a reflex... after being happy, not before. You frown, after feeling frustrated. First you are anxious, then you tense … [Read more...]
466 What I Mean Is…
When computers first became popular, while we learned how to program them, the saying was: Please give me what I want and not what I ask … [Read more...]
478 What Do You Think?
"This is a movie so poorly written that it must resort to narration and worse (shudder), video blogging, as a way to hold its shambling, … [Read more...]
479 Yes and No
Saying NO when you mean NO and YES when you mean YES is really tension relieving, you should try it. Then you would feel much more … [Read more...]
484 Optimize
I went directly to one store and immediately bought my ideal (4K) television. Nice! The set was marked lower than the manager … [Read more...]
488 It’s Only Complex
But not complicated. Nothing is! These 4 Doodles, when combined in your mind, significantly neutralize the Up/Down Law (You … [Read more...]