Imagine life is a Ferris Wheel. However, you get ‘paid’ only after it goes around. Whatever you load … [Read more...]
117 Gold Mine
Which is more relevant: Deciding there is Gold Looking for the gold Finding the gold Digging for the gold Selling the … [Read more...]
144 Monkeys
"George, with your ability to create Personal development training Seminars and my contacts with Hollywood stars, we can make a … [Read more...]
164 20%
It takes only 20% of your time to learn 80% of almost anything. And 80% of your time to learn the last 20%. An expert = someone who … [Read more...]
187 99% or 1%
It always has to add up to 100% The very first satellite was a simple radio transmitter sending "Beep, Beep" (1%) It took many huge radio … [Read more...]
188 Better Business
The lady who ran my business in England worked very hard. She 'opened' that country and, within a couple of years, did literally millions … [Read more...]
207 Begin, Middle, End
Some people are good at starting things, projects, proposals. Saying yes. Some at doing the middle stuff that makes it run. Continues … [Read more...]
210 Second Thing
I had a job that paid $75 /week. (1966!) AND kept trying different things on the side. It made no difference when they did not 'work' … [Read more...]
220 Digging Ditches
Do you mind digging ditches? "Not if the pay is good." Alright, then dig this ditch. It should take a few days. "OK, the … [Read more...]
223 One Hour
There are 24 hours in a day. Everyday. The % of time you devote to create your future = the % probability you'll have that … [Read more...]
240 Irreplaceable
I'm always looking for someone to promote so I can be free to expand. I call one person and ask her how she is doing. “Excellent. I'm … [Read more...]
256 99 is Fine
99% of the time, 99% results is fine. 99% returned calls 99% money made 99% attempts to apologize 99% results in an exam 99% of … [Read more...]
262 Water Pump
Water waits to be pumped up for our use. It is not mean, nor does it have anything against you. The water responds exactly to … [Read more...]
268 51/49
This ratio is a key to success. Yet so very few follow it. The two main aspects of business /marriage /leadership etc. are Relationships … [Read more...]
294 No Sweat
I get up at 5:15 am to catch a plane. He staples the hat to his forehead so they can take the shot of him without his hat blowing … [Read more...]
372 Hard Work
Hard Work doesn't, well ... work! Ok, so? If Hard Work 'works' then you face a future with more of it. And you don't … [Read more...]
483 Celebrations
I have to celebrate I need to celebrate I get to celebrate Which one causes you the most pleasure? I would eliminate … [Read more...]