Do it

296 The 3rd Option

Which is better:
1 Dependent or
2 Independent?


How about
3 Inter-dependent


You don’t have to be 1 because you think:
If I’m not 1 my only option is 2


There is a third, all inclusive option:
Obedience or else Anarchy?     3 Participation
Competition or else Defeat?     3 Co-operation
Hard Work or else Idleness?    3 Rewarding Work
Told How or else Ignorance?   3 Learn How
Fear of Errors or else Errors?  3 Exploration
Puritanism or Debauchery?     3 Sensualism
Spiritualism or Materialism?   3 Humanism
Production or Consumption?  3 Trading


Now that you know, relax and let it happen.
Which it does automatically, …when you allow it to.
These are related:

# 3 Cumulative Knowledge12 Change53 Guilt54 Self – 69 Labels109 Understanding
111 ABC’s of Life158 Anarchy159 Make a Mistake203 Either – Or – 286 Bias


  1. Despite the obvious attraction of debauchery, I would agree with your positions. D

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