Do it

369 Sunset

Many laws still in force today were written over 100 years ago.
(Automobiles must pull over if meeting a horse and cart on a road, etc.)
That’s because there is no pre-set time limit on those laws.
They go on forever whether they still have value or not.


OK, so?
Insert a Sunset Clause and the law expires automatically in a set amount of time. (ie: 5 years)
If it’s useful you can always renew it.


You know I’m talking about you, right?
You have many ‘rules’, procedures, etc. in you.
None have a Sunset Clause.


Imagine your effectiveness if you stop carrying out all those once-useful-now-useless laws, rules, procedures etc.


When you do something, anything, take a moment to guess when you installed that particular one in yourself.


Then, treat yourself to a beautiful Sunset.


These are specifically chosen to help you accomplish the above. Prove it to yourself! Use your intuition and click on one below:
# 30 Ever-changing Relationships36 Prime Time41 Elephants46 Always
79 Truth Time86 Don’t be Yourself!96 Habits140 Making Progress157 Self Assembly
176 “1-2-3”186 Stop, Start, Continue198 Repetition346 Crazy / Different357 Recipes


  1. love it

  2. OH well done. That’s a keeper. I pass these onto my kids. They get many more of them than I would suspect. Imagine that.
    Be well,


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