Short things can also be seen as cold things.
Long ones as warm.
An abrupt ‘no’ is Short /Cold.
“Well, I will think about it but I must tell you that I don’t believe I will say yes.” is a Long /Warm
Both, of course, say the same thing.
However we tend to like warm and dislike cold.
So, why say this.
Because a string of Shorts actually produces a ‘Long /Warm’ result.
Think of the times you did a lot of annoying short things.
Clean the house, empty the attic /basement etc.
After it was over you had the same feeling as if doing a Long /Warm.
Playing the piano = hitting piano keys one after the other (Short) which causes a Warm /Long result.
Next time you hesitate to start something because you know it will not be very satisfying (ie: Short /Cold) just throw yourself into it and you will end up with a satisfying Warm.
Try It!
This one is Related:
# 37 Or Its Equivalent
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