Desire is created by Knowledge-of-the-Emotion created by the completion of the goal-to-be.
(How you feel when you are hugged.)
Start with the emotional effect.
The resulting emotion of the completion of the goal IS the very thing that creates desire to … get that goal.
Imagine /think how you feel with the result ‘done’ of that goal (ie: lose weight) and pass that resulting emotion on to your subconscious self. (Pretend you talk to an ‘inner’ twin)
What creates desire?
What would you do IN Barbados is what you concentrate upon: The emotions that arise as a result of getting that goal, being there.
The emotion once-you-have-attained-your-goal IS the impetus /pattern that causes you to get that goal.
So, to get what you want:
Set a goal.
See the emotional result of getting it.
Use that emotion to drive you.
You have no problem planning a party and then having fun at what you planned.
Now you know how to create a desire to get what you want sooner.
These are related:
# 28 Getting What I Want! – 41 Elephants – 44 After – 58 Needs – 141 Imagine
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