Do it

322 Prayer

Prayer usually means negotiating /trading something God ‘wants’ that you would not otherwise give Him, for something you want He would not otherwise give you.


Is God someone who ‘needs’?

Because, if you need something, you obviously lack it in you.

And have a desire to get it. And a willingness to negotiate.

“I promise to adore you every week for one year IF you make my son well.”


Also, why would He need to trade what He can so easily give with a wave of His hand?


Billionaires set up foundations to GIVE away their money, because they have so very much of it. They simply want to know that it’s not going just anywhere. That would be throwing it away. Yet there is no Barter, no trade, just a one-way thing.

They give, you get. Period.


Presumably God has an abundance of, well, everything!

So why does it seem normal to have to ‘trade’ instead of just ask.


Just ask.


These are Related:


15 K.I.S.S.28 Getting What I Want!29 Who’s in Charge?37 Or It’s Equivalent

41 Elephants63 Free Will69 Labels74 Dictating Your Miracle93 Heaven & Hell


  1. All you have to do is believe, then, through grace, you will receive. What you receive is not necessarily what you asked for, or, even what you felt you needed. One day we will understand.

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