Do it

112 Emotions (Part 2)

Many people try to avoid emotions because they think emotions = weakness.
Emotions create increased consciousness and understanding…
In yourself.
The same emotion(s) over and over create the same consciousness and understanding over and over.
You have some friends who are like that, right?


When you have emotions about your emotions you get caught up in a loop that is non profitable for you:


  • I hate haters, and I love myself for hating haters.
  • I feel annoyed that I feel guilty. Again!
  • I feel guilty that I feel annoyed about feeling guilty…

And so on.
To progress, cut the loop.
When you have an emotion (including Love!) do not create another emotion regarding this emotion.
Let it go! Of course I’m disappointed I didn’t win the Lottery! So what!!



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# 38 Carrier Wave52 Correct Decisions108 Emotions123 Ignorance

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