Do you ever get mad at someone or something?
Or impatient?
Or annoyed?
Of course you do.
What about others being mad at you?
Or annoyed.
Or … well, you get the idea.
So, why say this.
Well, if you think about it, the Mad you ‘get’ actually starts Inside you. Then it gets expressed.
The annoyed starts inside also.
In fact every single emotion that you have, whether you express it or not, starts Inside you.
You are full of ‘mad’ or ‘hate’ or ‘impatience’ etc.
Whether you express it outwards or not!
How do you feel when someone is mad at you and directs their mad/emotion at you.
Well, just imagine how you feel inside yourself when you create that same mad.
Towards others, supposedly.
In actuality the first casualty of your ‘mad’ is yourself.
So are you the first to get it with any and ALL emotions you create inside of you.
This is also true for being happy. You get it first. And at full force.
So the next time you start getting mad at someone or something realize this is not true.
You are getting mad inside yourself first. And some of that may actually be shown to others or not.
Most people let it sit inside themselves for quite a long time before they let it out.
And are ‘enjoying’ (!) the results, full force.
Decide you do not deserve all that hate or madness inside yourself.
And simply change the subject.
Sorry, no tricks work as well.
Just firmly decide to change your attention to some other PRE-Decided subject. (A recent nice evening out, a good meal you just had with friends etc.)
Just think of that whenever you next get triggered.
It really is that simple.
These are related:
# 14 Eliminating Triggers – 22 Attitude – 68 Concentration – 70 Conclusions – 96 Habits
108 Emotions – 132 Taking it Personally – 139 Tuesdays
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