A famous celebrity is in her favorite restaurant and the Maitre D’ gives her a note.
Her friends say, “Wow, it must be important, we know you don’t like to be disturbed when you eat.”
After glancing at the note she replies, “Oh, it’s just my lawyer informing me that my divorce is through.”
“You’re taking it fine.”
“Well, it is my eighth husband, after all. I wasn’t like this for my first!”
Many people are concerned lest they go through some terrible experience, again!
But you can’t.
Because the second time has the first time’s experience to contend with. (1 + 1 = 2!)
The first time I kissed, compared to now.
The first time I got a job, compared to now.
My first apartment, compared to now.
Do you (quietly /unconsciously) modify everything you do lest something bad happen to you, like last time.
It can never be that bad. Even if exactly the same thing happens, it would happen to the ‘you’ who now has the experience of the first time in you.
Look at those things that are repetitive in your life (good or bad) and notice just how different you now see them because of those very experiences! Not so bad second time around.
Now think of things you stop yourself from doing lest something bad happen, ‘again’.
* Change jobs.
* Take a vacation.
* Speak up.
Do something you always wanted to!
These are related:
3 Cumulative Knowledge – 9 Worry – 20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge – 22 Attitude
30 Ever-changing Relationships – 36 Prime Time – 59 Hesitation – 60 Patterns – 62 Context
63 Free Will – 78 Process – 85 Babies – 87 Barriers – 98 Third Time – 100 Ransom Notes
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