The common belief is men have Reason and women Intuition. Yet everyone has some sort of Intuition. So how does one go about ‘exercising' … [Read more...]
51 Hindsight
Everyone wants more foresight or premonition. (To know what is coming and so be prepared for it.) Even those who have more are not always … [Read more...]
339 Three Voices
Here is a technique I find very useful for me. I created three 'voices' in my head: Voice 1 always tries to agree with me Voice 2 … [Read more...]
391 Smoke & Pray
If you Smoke while you Pray You are a despicable, insensitive, non-respectful person! However If you Pray while you Smoke you are a … [Read more...]
404 “It”
When you identify some thing /idea someone says, as being 'it' do you know that? Yet, down deep, you know 'it' is the right thing / … [Read more...]
456 Magic Hand
So many people were surprised at how effective (#455) Magic List is. Here is another one just as effective... when you actually do … [Read more...]
499 Consider Cannibals
Ever hear of an airplane crash where they considered cannibalism to survive? The first person to actually raise the subject did so in … [Read more...]