Do it

188 Better Business

The lady who ran my business in England worked very hard.
She ‘opened’ that country and, within a couple of years, did literally millions in sales.


At one point I asked her when was her last vacation.
She said, “Oh, there’ll be plenty of time for that later.”
So it’s been a couple of years.
OK, here’s a direct order. Take a vacation.
“Don’t be silly” she said, “I have far too much to do.”
I repeat. It’s an order.


She took a couple of weeks off at Christmas and visited Disney in Florida.
In January she said, “You were right. I am amazed how I was sliding without knowing it.
It was happening so gradually I simply did not realize it. Now I’m rested, I make decisions better and much faster.”


All my life I have been too busy to do the things I consider non-business.
Yet if I’m at one meeting I certainly can not be at another one at the same time.
And that does not ruin my business.
So I ‘schedule’ my wife in, like an appointment.
It’s worked for our 48 years of marriage. (And the business became a million a day sales!)


If things are not going well for you, that’s when to schedule some time out.

Not to work harder.

But to take time out.

So things will improve.
To reinforce this read any two below:
# 6 Feed Yourself9 Worry55 Oxygen73 Killing Frogs164 20%

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