I decide to paint my garage door pink. Yes, pink.
After thinking about it for a (very short!) time I decide not to.
An apparently simple and obvious illustration.
Let’s look at it in other terms.
I decide (leadership /taking the lead /initiating etc.) to do something.
Then I think about what ‘the neighbors’ will say.
Whatever they say comes as a result (it would follow whatever I did).
Then I decide — based on their likely opinion — not to do it.
They were the followers and I followed them. So I am following the followers!
An experimenter placed centipedes in a circle and they followed each other and starved. Plenty of food was in the center of the circle.
How many things do you really want to do but are holding yourself back because of what you think others would think about your actions.
Hopefully you are not at the point of starving in that particular thing /subject. Yet.
I now have the ceiling of my garage painted Jamaican Hot Pink.
Yes I know, but it is a start! Remember the THIN edge of the Wedge is how to get things done (# 23)
What are you holding back from doing because of your decision to follow followers?
Now is the time to start changing that.
These are related:
4 Common Courtesy – 6 Feed Yourself – 22 Attitude – 29 Who’s in Charge? – 31 Being at-Cause
48 Saying No – 55 Oxygen – 59 Hesitation – 67 Personal Nag – 100 Ransom Notes – 102 Response-ability
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