“There! Did you notice a glint of light coming from your left?
“It’s just like the others said.
“I’ll bet it’s aliens.” says the MBUTIS. (a Pygmy tribe)
“What do they want with us?”
“Our women.” replied the teenager.
“Our money.” replied the banker.
“Our whole village.” replied the Chief.
Later he reports his meeting with the ‘aliens’.
“They are giants, many over 6 feet tall.
Their land is unbelievably advanced.
They can:
– communicate at a distance immediately.
– see at a distance, even at night.
– fly from one place to another somehow.
And, believe it or not, their food is fresh year round!”
“Did you ask what they wanted from us?”
“Yes, but I don’t believe it.”
“Why, what did the aliens say?”
“They just want to observe us.”
“Just where did they say they came from anyways?”
“Some place called USA.”
Associated Mental Doodles selected via Edward de Bono’s concept of lateral thinking:
7 Disaster – 27 Responses – 33 Solving a 5 – 194 F.E.A.R.
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