1. You are a nice person.
2. You tend to respond to the mood & subject of the person at hand.
3. So do they.
OK, so?
Here you are, thinking a person is one way,
so you act that way
that person responds to your mood & subject.
So you create that which did not exist previously!
Then you use that as proof
that that is the way it is.
So what.
Well, if you are Ok with your life, so nothing.
If you are not OK, now you know YOU cause it.
Easy to change your responses …which changes everything.
Life has no Remote
You must change it yourself.
To reinforce this, read any 2 below:
# 11 Feedback – 27 Responses – 42 Leadership – 46 Always – 54 Self – 71 Nice
145 NO Feedback – 175 Self Worth – 179 Mirror
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