Guilt: Going against your own idea of what is ‘correct’. (see # 53)
We usually ‘punish’ ourselves to relieve the burden of this guilt.
Once punished we no longer feel that initial guilt.
OK, so?
You no longer feel guilty for the initial action.
Now look at your next action, the one that de-guilted you.
It by itself is now what you are looking at.
You no longer include the original cause /guilt because it’s been solved, remember?
Again OK, so?
You overheat water which spills.
A ‘good’ housewife does not do this (Guilt)
So you pull the pan off the stove … and burn your fingers, of course (Punishment)
Now that guilt is gone /punished, you are left with burnt fingers.
A ‘good’ housewife does not burn her fingers. (Guilt!)
So you rush to the fridge to put some butter on your fingers.
And, knock the milk over. Of course. (Punishment)
So that guilt, burnt finger tips, is gone.
Which now leaves you with spilled milk.
A ‘good’ housewife does not spill… etc.
To solve this cycle, just
It’s the only way to cut the cycle.
Burnt toast, baby crying, phone rings etc. ?
Cut the cycle.
You only wish that reading one Doodle once would do it!
It’s the subconscious cross-indexing of selected different Doodles that
‘side-steps’ your filters to give you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2 below: If you Read only one
# 7 Disaster – 27 Responses – 53 Guilt – 75 Same – 99 Perfection!
146 Always Right – 369 Sunset
Great to still have these coming into my life and times, George.
Did a quick search in your index and did not see ‘envy’.
Any doodles you can reference?
Trust you and yours are well and that 2014 is a great year.