What if you can get your wishes and desires without telling anyone what you want or even that you want something. No. One.
Wouldn’t that be interesting!
Of course, you actually have to do this experiment to get the results.
Ask for one dollar bills (Loonie, Euro, or pound coins) to frequent your life. First, actually look at a one dollar bill, feel it, smell it, taste (!) it, crumple it and anything else you think would help you become even more aware of, … a one dollar bill.
Tell no one you are doing this. No. One. This is an experiment between you and yourself. Within a week or so, depending on how many ‘transactions’ you have, you will definitely see results. The amount of money you have won’t change, but you’ll have a lot more one dollar bills (Loonie, Euro, or pound coins).
You caused this. With no one but you knowing they ‘should’ give you change in one dollar bills (Loonie, Euro, or pound coins). Some will even apologize that they only have ‘ones’ to give you.
Try it, you’ll be surprised at how effortless it is to get what you want.
As I said last week, sorry I can’t make it more complex, so you’d believe it’s this easy!
You only wish reading one Doodle did it!
It’s a subconscious cross-index of select Doodles, to
side-step your filters, that gets you what you want.
To reinforce this, read at least 2: If you Read only one: 87 Barriers
# 2 Normal Luck – 28 Getting What I Want! – 38 Carrier Wave – 58 Needs
64 Natural Talents – 168 Creating Desire – 367 Commitment
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