Do it

434 Advice

Give me a really good haircut this time.

Sure, why? What’s happening?

I’m going to Rome to meet the pope.

How are you going?

By boat.

Hmmm, the ocean is very unstable. You may get sea-sick.

Could be.

And Rome is a very expensive place to stay.

Yes it is.

What makes you think you will meet the pope anyways?


Say, aren’t you the guy who wanted to meet the pope? How did your trip go?

You were right about the sea but this time everyone remarked on how calm it was.

And Rome?

Oh, yes, very expensive. However I had a cousin there who put us up.

And the pope?

Well, it turns out that this same cousin works in the pope’s chambers and when the pope has a cancellation he allows one of his workers to bring a guest to meet him.

Wow! Did he speak to you?

Yes, as a matter of fact, when I bent down to kiss his ring he asked me, « Who gave you that lousy haircut?



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