Do it

136 Beggars & Alcoholics

Beggars & Alcoholics have a few things in common.
Mainly I try to avoid them whenever I can!
I cross the street. Refuse to make eye contact. Ignore them, and so on.


I bet you do too.


They also have something in common that we can learn from.
They are both 100% successful.
Otherwise we would be calling them ex-beggars and ex-alcoholics.
Yet there they are. No friends, no personality. Bad breath. etc.
Have you figured it out yet?
They are both completely single-minded of purpose.
They have one goal and only one.
And they succeed in achieving their goal.
Day in and day out.
Over and over again.


Choose one goal
Be single-minded of purpose.
And succeed.



These are related:

# 15 K.I.S.S.28 Getting What I Want!32 Red Light, Green Light

46 Always49 Sharks58 Needs73 Killing Frogs87 Barriers95 Ring/Knock

113 Success126 Red Light134 Sand Bags & Bricks

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