Do it

185 First, Get Alive

Tired of planning without seeming to get anywhere?

Then stop doing that.


My three dictums are (in order!)

First, get alive, (Plan A)

Then stay alive, (Plan B)

Now you can refine.

Get everything started /alive, before you spend dis-proportionate time refining.

Then make sure it stays alive, before you spend time refining.

Finally, you can refine.

And then it’s important to do so!


If the kitchen becomes clean-room quality but the dining room has bugs /rats, then refining the kitchen is a waste, no matter how easily you can justify the need. Clean-room is too much in that context.

Getting married, having children and starting a business are usually invisible victims of Refining before getting alive.


If you are stuck somewhere, go back to basics:

First, get alive.



These are related:

# 8 Problem Solving – 21 Interpretation – 32 Red light, Green Light – 33 Solving a 5 – 49 Sharks

59 Hesitation – 95 Ring/Knock – 98 Third Time – 99 Perfection! – 106 Plan B – 113 Success

118 Right! – 136 Beggars & Alcoholics – 160 Combination

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