Picture an elephant pulling to the left. And another, pulling to the right.
Nothing moves.
Now imagine 500 elephants on each side.
Same thing.
It doesn’t matter how ‘powerful’ you are. If you seriously believe you must maintain a ‘balanced’ situation at all times, you’ll automatically compensate for what you want, … so as NOT to get it.
Yet it seems like you really, truly want it.
Then why don’t you have it?
And just how long has it been, this wanting-and-not-getting?
Time to stop with the obvious “I want… /I have…” and all other supposedly effective devices. If they’re so effective how come you don’t have what you want for so long!
Look at it a different way and so activate different sets of Filters in yourself. Since these particular Filters have rarely (if ever!) been activated, chances are much higher by genuinely answering, you’ll get what you want.
These are the questions you ask of yourself, … and answer!
(Pick one thing you really want but don’t yet have, that’s overdue)
* What is the benefit of NOT getting what you want?
* What would happen negatively if you reached your goal?
* What do you think you have to lose or give up to get what you want?
Usually the first answer that springs to mind is the right one, admit it or not.
Look at the answers carefully. Deal with them.
Don’t dismiss them as silly /illogical /not applicable to you, etc.
The extent you involve yourself in these questions /answers is the extent you get rid of some elephants and get what you want. (Don’t let your ‘balance’ Filter dismiss the whole thing.)
These are related:
10 Progress It – 37 Or Its Equivalent – 38 Carrier Wave – 44 After – 45 Problems – 66 Opposites
74 Dictating Your Miracle – 84 The Communication Process – 102 Response-ability
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