How about a few words a day?
Would they make any physical difference…
on an apple? (or on you?)
The Action:
Place each half of an apple in its own covered glass jar. (Prevents yellowing)
Place both jars on a window sill or where there is plenty of light.
Label them √ Good and x Bad
The Words:
Whenever you walk near them…
Say to the Good half, stuff like:
You are so awesome! A winner! You are perfect, gorgeous, useful. I love you apple! Apple! You rock! (Touch the jar) Whisper, yell, laugh: Good apple!
And to the Bad half:
You’re going to rot. I hope you rot. You’re so rotten. You super suck! You no good, ugly, stinking piece of useless fruit. (Touch the jar) Whisper, yell, frown: Bad apple!
Get family, friends, etc. to do the same.
Within a week or so there will be a noticeable difference between these formerly equal apple halves. Soon you literally won’t want the ‘rotten’ apple half around.
Ok, so?
Just think of what you, your family and friends would learn when you actually do this simple experiment.
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