The next five years provide exceptional Opportunity.
As automobiles become ‘self-drive’ there needs to be an extreme insurance adjustment.
Warren Buffet (owns Geico) is concerned, as should everyone in automobile insurance.
Consider ‘hackers’.
Once hacking into a ‘self-drive’ car system is common, hackers could:
Steal your car, without even leaving …their home!
Kidnap you by taking over your car and driving it/you to their hideout.
(Or dump you / the car, if police interfere!)
Use them as guided missiles loaded with explosives.
On the Positive side:
ideal as UBER, for picking up children at school, etc.
Ok, so?
I believe the need for a significantly more robust encryption program is self-evident.
And the person /system that achieves this will become very wealthy, very quickly!
If you don’t ‘program’, maybe you know someone who does.
Direct them to explore this.
Naturally you keep part of the revenues generated by ‘your’ idea.
It’s going to happen anyways, why not make it your Opportunity?
Associated Mental Doodles selected as per Edward de Bono’s
concept of Lateral Thinking:
# 113 Success – 172 Sky 0r Steel? – 382 The Future – 398 Dimensions