Do it

49 Sharks

Nothing is more powerful than a shark.
And sharks eat fish.
Much, much smaller fish.
To defend themselves they form a ‘school’ of fish.
They bunch all together, and that does it.


You see, the shark can’t afford to expend too much energy chasing fish around for supper.
It’s not lack of energy that kills the shark. It’s lack of results.
To succeed the shark has to focus on only one fish and go after it.
That’s why a school of fish is protection.


Sooo here you are, trying to do a lot of things, hoping one will work.
And you expend all your energies.
And fail or have so-so results. Once again!


Focus on only one goal and go after that, no matter what. (Don’t forget # 44!)
It’s scary because, what if you fail. Then you have nothing. Yet the other way has not made you succeed.
So it boils down to… try it!


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28 Getting What I Want!31 Being at-Cause37 Or Its Equivalent41 Elephants

44 After50 Limits58 Needs59 Hesitation95 Ring/Knock

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