Do it

498 Divergence

At birth you are the same as everyone else.

As time goes by you start to add variables, by accident or by choice.

At one point you ‘become’ your self. Just like everyone does.


Ok, so?

If you want to be something other than an extension of everybody,

just like everybody is an extension of, well, everybody…

Then you must persist in doing what YOU want.


Continue until you develop your own unique-ness.

My third book did it for me.

The first one was obvious, the second one was what I thought I ‘should’ write.

The third one happened because I had to find something else.

That’s when my unique-ness emerged.


It’s tricky because deliberate Divergence is what everybody does.

And that doesn’t work. It’s still the same as everybody else’s Divergence.

Yet the pathway is to do the ‘standard’ variations until one day…



It’s the subconscious cross-index of select Doodles,

which side-steps your filters.


If you Read only one more: # 12 Change


20 The ‘Gift’ of Knowledge32 Red Light, Green Light42 Leadership78 Process

98 Third Time106 Plan B107 Iron111 ABC’s of Life157 Self Assembly

159 Make a Mistake176 “1-2-3”251 A Rough Diamond327 Rejection 

405 Become Un-sane