Do it

111 ABC’s of Life

First we record input /information.
We then compare what’s recorded and draw conclusions.
Red is, Green is, Red is not Green, Green is not Red, etc.
This creates the A of life: Adamant.
I hate this, I love that, this is right, that is wrong. And we are sure of this!


There are also things we simply have no opinion on.
This is the B of life: Benevolence.
If you put your shirt on before your socks, well, I just don’t have an opinion.


But you all-ways Compare.
And that’s the source of a lot of conflict inside you.
What I used to think was good /bad, now depends on context.
Is alcohol Salvation or Damnation, … to an alcoholic? … to a gala party?


The final part is ‘DumbD.
You stop ‘Knowing’ things and question them.
Why is that good /bad again? Why do we think that?
And you watch people recite their A‘s.
Then you’re on your way to E: Efficiency and Effectiveness.


So, where’s the school system?
Your company?
Your religion?
Your life partner?
A + B + C + D = Effectiveness
Help them (and yourself!) … go to the next letter.



These are related:

# 3 Cumulative Knowledge30 Ever-changing Relationships37 Or Its Equivalent

46 Always62 Context70 Conclusions73 Killing Frogs90 Good/Bad

96 Habits99 Perfection!102 Response-ability103 Ring Knock Part 2

109 Understanding116 Façade121 Carrot & Stick125 A Clumsy Self Image

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