Airplanes are long tubes full of people.
They look very carefully what to do in an emergency.
And here’s what they say:
“In case of emergency, place Oxygen Mask on self first, then help others.”
They look into all possible options.
And obviously choose the best one!
When something happens, FIRST make sure you’re OK and then (and only then!) help others. Or do what’s necessary to solve the problem.
Not instead-of you but first you…. then others.
* One of my friends worked so very hard he fell sick quite often. He claimed he had no choice. Until he could not focus any longer and ‘had’ to take time off.
* A lady I know worked so much she needed to be ‘threatened’ to take a vacation. After her 3 week vacation she said, “I’m glad you forced me. I see I was working at half efficiency and taking longer at everything because of tiredness. Even ordinary decisions took longer. Things I never would have done if I’d been rested.”
We do not put Oxygen mask on self first because we simply do not understand that IS how we can best help others.
I really wish you take this personal and see what you’re doing.
It’s not selfish to put Oxygen mask on self first.
It’s the very way to solve your situation and best help others. (Parents included!)
These are related:
4 Common Courtesy – 6 Feed Yourself – 7 Disaster – 17 Impossible Decisions
22 Attitude – 42 Leadership – 59 Hesitation – 102 Response-ability
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