Do it

181 Problem Solving # 2

1. Select a problem

2. Select an expert in that subject (In your mind)

3. Explain your problem to that expert. (Do it  = results)

4. Has that cleared up your problem? (Don’t discount it because it’s too easy!)

5. What does the expert say the solution is.

6. Has that cleared up your problem?

7. What is your counter statement.

8. What is source of counter statement. (Parents, school, etc.)

9. Is source still believable.

10. Does that clear up the problem?


If this does not work then definitely go to: Mental Doodles  8 &  45

One of these two is clearly what you need to consider.



These are related:

# 8 Problem Solving 9 Worry 10 Progress It 11 Feedback 17 Impossible Decisions

33 Solving a 5 45 Problems 106 Plan B 127 Not-Me 128 And-And

130 Collecting Solutions 134 Sand Bags & Bricks 136 Beggars & Alcoholics

137 Easier Solutions 147 Interpretation Part 2

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