Do it

102 Response-ability

Accepting responsibility for myself is the best thing I ever decided.
I used to blame everyone and everything for my situation.
The economy, high prices, competition, etc.
And not accept response-ability for what happens to me.


Which is nice in a way.
On the other hand, if I don’t accept any response-ability, I have no ability to change my situation.
No ability to respond. No response-ability.


Now I look for how it’s MY responsibility things are the way they are in my life.
When they’re not the way I’d like them to be, well, seeing as I’m response-able for them, I can always change them.


Now, choose how you wish to respond to this information!


Deliberately be response-able for something undesirable /unwanted and see what you can think of to change it to something more agreeable.



These are related:

5 Decision6 Feed Yourself7 Disaster11 Feedback13 Changing Change

14 Eliminating Triggers22 Attitude27 Responses29 Who’s in Charge?46 Always

47 Gold Stamps48 Saying No54 Self55 Oxygen63 Free Will64 Natural Talents

72 Technique73 Killing Frogs83 Being Wrong89 Initiating96 Habits

118 Right!122 Real!127 Not-Me


  1. Hi George

    I came to one of your groups in London last year. I enjoyed it and have always remembered what I learned from the Red/Black game. I like your doodles and sometimes pass them on to my nervous rider clients (usually very negative people). I hope clicking through from a Google search will help your search engine rating!

    Kind regards


  2. This ‘mental doodle’ needs to be on billboards all across North America! What a different world it would be if everyone had access to this information and came to believe in personal responsibility.

  3. Wow, that’s a really cvleer way of thinking about it!

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