Do it

388 Zone Sizes

We have different Zone Sizes for different things /subjects.

Some Zones extend to events with asteroids.

Some Zones ‘only’ to immediate family.

Zone Sizes vary.

OK, so?

Well, consider your Zone of Worry. How far does it extend?

Someone’s child is out too late, … halfway around the world.

Does your Worry Zone Size extend to there?

Now consider your Zone of Influence.

Your Zone of Worry size differs from your Zone of Influence size.

Again, OK, so?

You may be worrying about something you have absolutely no Influence over.

Next time you start to worry about something, anything (!)

first ask yourself if it’s inside your Zone of


If it is, DO something about it.

If not, why worry.


You only wish reading one Doodle would do it!

It’s a subconscious cross-index of select different Doodles

to ‘side-step’ your filters, that gets you what you want.


To reinforce this, read at least 2: If you Read only one: 33 Solving a 5

# 8 Problem Solving9 Worry104 Power194 F.E.A.R.199 Everything

237 Let Go!245 Go Fishing314 Almost341 Possible vs Probable

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