Do it

407 Tell-Tale Adjectives

This one is so very simple

yet extremely informative,

and well worth reading!


Just look for the adjectives.

They tell the tale:

* in ‘neutral’ news items on Radio, TV, Internet

* what people say about themselves and others.


« A horrible tragedy occurred again today… »

« Someone died. » is not as manipulating exciting.


« Global warming… »

« Current temperature variations » is boring.


Adjectives clearly show how you are being manipulated.

How they want you to think.


Simple, but very informative!



You only wish reading one Doodle did it!

It’s a subconscious cross-index of select Doodles, to

side-step your filters, that gets you what you want.


To reinforce this, read at least 2:   If you Read only one: 286 Bias


21 Interpretation69 Labels154 Issues & Events162 Consider the Source

182 Grey194 F.E.A.R.217 Luxury /Waste273 Propaganda292 Denying

296 The 3rd Option313 Fact vs Opinion314 Almost341 Possible vs Probable

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