Do it

422 It’s My Fault

No it isn’t.

It never is.


Unless you refuse to accept that others also have their own free will.

To choose, to decide, to act.


If others do exist, then they are the cause of their …

Yes, that’s not always true.

But 99.999% of the time it is.


And those are good odds that say 

It’s not your fault.

Except in 0.001% of the time.

Or one time in every thousand times that you think it is.

Heck I bet everything is those odds.

Not just faulting.


So, choose which way you want to live…

The 99.999 way

or the 0.001 way


Think about it!


To reinforce this, read at least 2:   If you Read only one: 104 Power


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