Do it

428 Cycles vs Always

This one is a bit obvious but needs reminding every now and then.

First, a Cycle:

This is a series of repetitive events similar to: night, day, night, day, etc.

Which means they recur on a repetitive basis. You can count on them.


Always means you think these thing ‘always’ happen to you.


Ok, so?

Well, what if you think things always happen to you but really are things that happen in a cycle /sequence.


“There I go again!” could simply be a cyclic behavior on your part and not a fault or a symptom of, well, anything.

Next time you think you are just repeating a fault ask yourself

is this really a continuous fault or simply a cyclic behavior.


Too simple? Or reality without self degradation?


Your choice!


To reinforce this, read:  


79 Truth Time146 Always

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