Do it

(English) 12 Change

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(English) 13 Changing Change

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(English) 14 Eliminating Triggers

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(English) 20 The Gift of Knowledge

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(English) 22 Attitude

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(English) 30 Ever-Changing Relationships

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(English) 31 Being At-Cause

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(English) 36 Prime Time

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(English) 37 Or Its Equivalent

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(English) 43 Desire

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(English) 54 Self

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(English) 60 Patterns

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(English) 63 Free Will

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(English) 73 Killing Frogs

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106 Plan B

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(English) 108 Emotions

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(English) 114 Darts

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(English) 135 Excuses

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142 Progression

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(English) 143 Progress

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(English) 147 Interpretation Part 2

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(English) 170 Micro Steps

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(English) 176 “1 – 2 – 3”

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(English) 193 Seeing Red

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(English) 209 One Second or One Year

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214 Stage 3

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218 Something

Saying "Stop that!" won't get a child to stop doing something. Because, then the child has nothing. And no one wants nothing. So, … [Read more...]

220 Digging Ditches

Do you mind digging ditches? "Not if the pay is good." Alright, then dig this ditch. It should take a few days.   "OK, the … [Read more...]

232 Justify

Or learn. Those are the two things that can happen when something unwanted occurs.   It's not my fault because... means I … [Read more...]

239 Spiral

Within 4 months of starting my new company I expanded overseas. Because life is a spiral and not a circle.   A circle, you go … [Read more...]

247 Yesterday

"Oh, you are so very cruel saying things like that!" As she stormed away. That evening I told my wife the things she said that day. And … [Read more...]

255 Prepare, Defend

To properly defend yourself, you prepare for all contingencies. You do all you possibly can, ahead of time. . And then one of two … [Read more...]

275 Hitler in New York

Hitler walks down the street in New York City and says "Follow me!" A few people do. Some yell obscenities at him. Lots take his … [Read more...]

(English) 296 The 3rd Option

对不起,此内容只适用于English和Français。 … [Read more...]

301 How to Stop

This formula applies to many, many things.   To completely stop (...smoking, biting your nails, snacking, etc.) without side … [Read more...]

302 Party Time

How hard we work planning a Party! And really pay attention to every detail. Almost cold and calculated.   Yet we have fun … [Read more...]

306 Parent-ing

Parents in China are all extremely well respected. And obeyed. After all, they know best. Years and years of experience, … [Read more...]

315 Fifteen Years

Imagine how you were... fifteen years ago. As compared to now. (Play the game = get the results)   Things sure have changed … [Read more...]

319 Look Back

A great source of concern for many is "The Future" The great unknown. It could go any-way, do any-thing. Will I be safe?   The answer … [Read more...]

326 Unhappy

I hate my job /personal partner, etc. Then change it. I can't. I am not sure I would end up better.   What if the company … [Read more...]

328 Double Placebo

Chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, Parkinson's, and many other ailments respond robustly to placebos.   OK, so? A recent fMRI … [Read more...]

330 Barriers vs Filters

I wash my hands before eating = Filter I must wash my hands before eating = Barrier When camping you would get very hungry! No … [Read more...]

332 Time

When you include Time in your calculations /judgments, things change.   Example: I slept with 5 people /made a million, … [Read more...]

344 3 Weeks

At 16  I was invited to a corn roast. I hated corn. But the girl who invited me was wonderful. So I ate a little bit of corn each … [Read more...]

346 Crazy / Different

We all have something, someone or a situation we'd like to see changed.   Crazy = when you repeat the same things over and over, … [Read more...]

348 Volume Control

Doing something you don't want to do? Can't stop?   Then don't stop. Stop trying the on/off 'switch', it obviously doesn't … [Read more...]

357 Recipes

Do you always use the same 'recipe' no matter what you do? The fact this particular recipe works well in one situation does not make it work … [Read more...]

358 Emotional Muscles

This oneMy is... Reccommend "shop" They much doxycycline for sale no prescription softer-than-usual like the clopidogrel 65mg adding … [Read more...]

360 Category

Which movie to see? Which book to read next? These give variety. However they are simply variations of the same decision you made … [Read more...]

362 Physical

As You Think... So You Become is the rest. How many times have you heard this in your life?   Ok, so? Well, I got it … [Read more...]

364 Seven Years

My 7th year doing Doodles! Here's 10 Random Thoughts. (Just to be different.)   1. You change at 7 year intervals. Think … [Read more...]

369 Sunset

Many laws still in force today were written over 100 years ago. (Automobiles must pull over if meeting a horse and cart on a road, etc.) … [Read more...]

370 Friend AND Foe

How to make a Friend a Foe and/or vice versa.   Simple. 1. Choose something you really, really want to accomplish. Lose … [Read more...]

374 100 Years

Subtract your age from 100 years. (play the game!) That's how long you have left to live. The rate of medical discovery / improvements … [Read more...]

376 Nice People

1. You are a nice person. 2. You tend to respond to the mood & subject of the person at hand. 3. So   do   they. OK, so? Here you … [Read more...]

380 No Change

How to Change, Without Changing: 1. Worry about an Unsolvable-by-you situation. 2. Change your mind to stop worrying … [Read more...]

382 The Future

The future is: * Very clean * Silent, noiseless, faster operations * Frictionless * More and more personalized * Low/no cost … [Read more...]

390 Input Time

Once you were a very small person. A Baby. Possibly a cat wanted to 'play' with you. To you then, that was a large cat! That's when you … [Read more...]

394 Penguins

A Penguin is a stupid thing. I was in Antarctica looking at Penguins walking all in-a-row. Once, the first one tried to jump over a fairly … [Read more...]

396 Disappearing Act

If you win the Lottery, Yesterday disappears.   If he/she finally says yes, Yesterday disappears.   These are exterior … [Read more...]

398 Dimensions

Most thinking until the 1950's was in 2 Dimensions. Mass production of airplanes introduced us to the 3rd Dimension. Height. Until then … [Read more...]

399 Compensations

Regular Nicotine intake (ie: cigarettes) automatically causes your body to create 'anti-nicotine' to Compensate. Stop Nicotine input … [Read more...]

411 At That Time

Everything is recorded. It's recorded at the time it occurs. Obviously. And that's the memory you use when doing, well, anything and … [Read more...]

417 Suddenly

How they build a building: First, a fence suddenly goes up around the old building.       Then nothing seems to happen. Suddenly the old … [Read more...]

420 Complaints

Absolutely nothing is more useless than complaints, ...sometimes.   Typical complaints:  * The Weather  * Traffic  * City Noise/ … [Read more...]

421 3D …Thinking

To see things in 3D each eye must see a slightly different picture. In the real world your eyes are spaced apart so each eye has a different … [Read more...]

423 Meet the ‘New’ You

Think of yourself as you were, around 10 years old.What did you look like?Now think of yourself today.What do you look like ‘now’?Your body … [Read more...]

425 Re-Frame It

Re-Frame whatever you wish to change, improve or neutralize.Would you leave a steady income with a reliable future, to take a chance and … [Read more...]

429 Chicken & Egg

Let's say the egg came first.What if you did absolutely nothing to help the egg.Would it still hatch?Of course not. OK, so?How many … [Read more...]

437 Push-ups, Right Now

You cannot win (or lose!) a race simply by doing Push-ups.Therefore you relax while doing them. (Stress is, well, ...stressful!) Ok, … [Read more...]

439 An Impossible Future

100 years ago, our current reality would be considered Impossible:To travel at these speeds, go these distances, communicate with these … [Read more...]

443 Read a Book

A most unusual thing you do in life is, ... read a book!Think about it. Once written, a book never changes. It’s essentially a series of … [Read more...]

445 ETI & Abundance

Yesterday, a wealthy sheik welcomed the visiting dignitary to his extensive estate.“Would you care to wash in hot water?” He asked.“Oh, no … [Read more...]

446 That’s Life!

Face it, you are living a good life.Yet was not taught to you that way. It was not meant to be this good, was it! When you compare what … [Read more...]

447 Imagine Fear

The solution to fear is to Imagine it.Why? Because your mind cannot tell the difference from outer input: your five senses;and inner input: … [Read more...]

448 Eliminate Unwanted Emotion

Emotion is there to focus attention. The more negative the emotion, the narrower your focus. The happier the emotion is, the broader your … [Read more...]

(English) 458 Two Minutes

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(English) 459 Just One

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(English) 461 Sum Total

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(English) 462 Sooner

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(English) 464 Scream & Yell

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(English) 465 Opportunity

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(English) 467 Physically Speaking

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(English) 470 Then It’s Real

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(English) 473 Count to 10

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(English) 476 Reverse Gear

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(English) 489 Deserve vs Desire

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(English) 490 Allowance

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(English) 493 A Perfect Day

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(English) 494 Tired Power

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(English) 495 Just a Second

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(English) 496 Invisible

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(English) 498 Divergence

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