Do it

414 Masters & Gurus

A Master is not a Hero.

A hero is a one shot deal /action

A Master is forever that way in all things.


Is a Master someone who hits back effectively, or someone who chooses not to hit back?

Neither, a Master is someone who is never so non-master as to get into a position to have to make that decision in the first place!


A Master avoids nothing. Any food, any thought, any anything is OK. Unless he fears he would be mastered by those things.

A Master is not humble. For there’s nothing to be Humble about.(!)


OK, so?

I prefer the concept of Acceptable Mastery. That’s when you agree for example, to become immobile in a car while it brings you somewhere. 

Vs running ‘fabulously /masterfully’ …beside it.


Oh, yeah, ‘Guru’ is an easy one.

Just remember how you spell Guru:

Gee, you are you.


Think about it!



You only wish reading one Doodle did it!

It’s a subconscious cross-index of select Doodles, to

side-step your filters, that gets you what you want.


To reinforce this, read at least 2:   If you Read only one: 46 Always


29 Who’s in Charge?31 Being at Cause42 Leadership63 Free Will

64 Natural Talents74 Dictating Your Miracle92 Strength99 Perfection!

113 Success170 Micro Steps208 Perfect Instructions221 External Illusions

237 Let Go!292 Denying387 Your Sub-Conscious Mind

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