George, This is a GREAT teaching of yours! I heard it from you years ago and say it to myself frequently when I find myself feeling as though I HAVE to choose between two things. “Why not enjoy both?” I ask myself, and then I proceed as if I will. A great, freeing concept. –Thanks!
This is such a basic teaching, and I must learn it over and over and over…. perhaps at 94 I’ll have learned this leason. THANKS GEORGE, for reminder. I have 40 years to work on it to learn before then.
George, This is a GREAT teaching of yours! I heard it from you years ago and say it to myself frequently when I find myself feeling as though I HAVE to choose between two things. “Why not enjoy both?” I ask myself, and then I proceed as if I will. A great, freeing concept. –Thanks!
This is such a basic teaching, and I must learn it over and over and over…. perhaps at 94 I’ll have learned this leason. THANKS GEORGE, for reminder. I have 40 years to work on it to learn before then.